Stanley Mbinda, Kenya
Australia is the multicultural country and I feel like a home. I am in Adelaide because of one of the reason of its transportation which is very easy to get compared to other cities in Australia. People are very polite and generous. The reason I have chosen Sheffield College as my study destination is because The course “Automotive” that I wanted to study to achieve technical side of my career knowledge. During my on-going study at Sheffield, I have experienced the unique bondage of Love and compassion from the college fraternity. I found my course’s Learning schedule is very suitable to me especially the training days so that I can have spare days to do other things. The Staff and classmates are from other culture background which is very fascinating to me to learn their ways which makes me appreciate everyone with regardless of where they come from. I believe this promotes “World peace” having different culture background students in the institute, the culture diversity in the class student cohort makes me believe and experience that I am interacting with that country itself. I highly recommend others to Sheffield College for further study.